What, you ask, is SPINDRIFT?
SPINDRIFT is our premiere range of seaweed-based products, created by a proprietary process developed in our lab over many years. The name comes from the Scottish to mean sea spray, and we chose it because it reminds us of the wild, foamy waves often seen on the different coastlines where we harvest our seaweed.
The following is the story of how seaweed we select is turned into SPINDRIFT -- how a natural resource gets sustainably harvested and ends up as an all-natural, flexible texture base for pet food gels, gravies, meat chunks and loaf.

First, the relationships
At the start of our seaweed story comes backwards integration. What that means is that we cultivate relationships with farmers and wild harvesters around the world. We visit them, we get to know them and their families, and we commit to a personal and professional relationship that will last.
To date, Mannasol has relationships in Panama and Malaysia with farmers and harvesters who have come to trust us.
These photographs were taken in the waters near the Bocas Islands, Panama.
Then, the financial investment
We help the farmers expand by buying ropes, seedlings, boats, drying areas, warehousing and washing stations. That way, farmers don’t have to self-finance. We help wild harvesters in a similar way.
We are transparent about what we promise. We tell them we will buy all the seaweed they are able to harvest and offer a long-term profit-sharing and re-investment program.

At the same time, an ethical approach
We eliminate the middle men, working directly with aquaculture farmers and wild harvesters in a sustainable and honest way. We make sure workers are given a fair wage. We respect the people we work with and we try to be as ethical as possible when it comes to the environment they live in. We finance environmental impact studies to make sure our presence has not been harmful.
Then, the processing
The seaweed harvested by our partners from Malaysia, Panama and North America are then dried, powdered, and packaged at our facility in Runcorn Cheshire UK, using no chemical treatments.
Our products are 100% natural, sustainable, and traceable.

And finally …
We find a blend that works for you! We provide a comprehensive technical package with ongoing support. Our dedicated technical services staff will be there for you through every step.